Provides online counseling through the BetterHelp

via BetterHelp

Amy Louis (LMHC)

  • Florida
  • Provides online counseling through BetterHelp



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Click ‘Book session’ to open a form, complete a brief questionnaire, and schedule a conversation.

About Amy Louis's service

Hello, I’m Amy, I have been a licensed mental health counselor in Iowa for over a decade, was lucky to be prepared for the license by an amazing graduate program in counseling psychology. Since grad school I have worked with many clients and their families helping them reach their goals and overcoming struggles with anxiety, depression, relationship issues, trauma, abuse, health issues, loss, body image, identity, confidence and the things in life that beat us up. I am a positivity based therapist that will meet you where you are at and help you get where you want to be. I use pieces of many therapeutic approaches however I like to call it you centered, finding what best works to help you get to your balance and move forward. One of my mantra’s is enjoy, and to enjoy we need to get into our lives and live. I want to help you enjoy and live! This is about you, the time is now to live the life you want. I look forward to working with you!

Areas of Focus and Specialization

Additional areas

Therapeutic approaches

Languages Spoken

  • English

Amy Louis is serving from:


Years in practice

18 years

NPI number


License Details

IA LMHC 00845



Maker Therapy is funded by its users. When you make a purchase through our links, we may receive a commission from BetterHelp at no additional cost to you.

Click ‘Book session’ to open a form, complete a brief questionnaire, and schedule a conversation.

Request Virtual counseling with Amy Louis

Maker Therapy. 2025

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