Provides online counseling through the BetterHelp

via BetterHelp

Christine Clawley (LPC)

  • Arizona
  • Provides online counseling through BetterHelp



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About Christine Clawley's service

I graduated with an MA in Jungian (Depth) Counseling Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute (California), but have gained most of my professional experience in Colorado, where I am a licensed professional counselor. I provide client-centered counseling services to help support individuals through major life transitions, assist in healing trauma, improving self-esteem, exploring relationship issues, and transforming unhealthy thought patterns. I also work with clients who are experiencing severe or chronic health issues. I have experience providing counseling to children, adolescents, adults, families, couples, and older adults coping with chronic depression, anxiety, trauma, eating disorders, homelessness, domestic violence, suicidal thoughts, childhood abuse, unemployment, addiction, relationship issues, or stress related to parenting in a variety of settings including in-home, private practice, outpatient, hospitals, and prisons. My approach is to work with my clients at their own pace, build a solid foundation, and uncover the root problems contributing to symptoms. From my perspective, symptoms and disorders arise as a result of surviving difficult situations and attempting to cope with trauma and stress. The goal of therapy is to discover and develop healthier ways of coping with trauma. I also take a holistic approach to therapy, which include somatic therapy, existential and humanistic psychotherapy, psycho-dynamic techniques, dream interpretation, mindfulness, dialectic behavioral therapy, and rational emotive behavioral therapy. My role as a counselor is to provide you the space to learn about yourself and begin to understand your own thoughts, feelings, and reactions, as well as help you navigate and overcome life’s challenges.

Areas of Focus and Specialization

Additional areas

Therapeutic approaches

Languages Spoken

  • English

Christine Clawley is serving from:


Years in practice

4 years

NPI number


License Details

CO LPC 0014673, AZ LPC LPC-19079



Maker Therapy is funded by its users. When you make a purchase through our links, we may receive a commission from BetterHelp at no additional cost to you.

Click ‘Book session’ to open a form, complete a brief questionnaire, and schedule a conversation.

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Maker Therapy. 2025

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