Provides online counseling through the BetterHelp

via BetterHelp

Gina Mumey (LCSW)

  • Oregon
  • Provides online counseling through BetterHelp



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Click ‘Book session’ to open a form, complete a brief questionnaire, and schedule a conversation.

About Gina Mumey's service

I am a therapist that is comfortable working with adults along the age continuum. I have experience working with people that are just trying to cope with an unexpected event to those struggling with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness. I believe that everyone, no matter what the reason they ask for help, deserves to have the best possible experience for them. It may be that you need someone to listen or be a sounding board while you figure things out, or you may want someone to work with you to chart a path to recovery. I can be both and everything in between. I prefer you tell me what your goal is and then together we come up with a plan to get you there. I have spent much of my time working with older adults as I have a Gerontology degree with special training for Advanced Behaviors and Cognitive Care so that I am better equipped to work with those with a dementia diagnosis and their loved ones. I have also spent much time leading grief support groups and assisting those facing a loss, either through death or otherwise. I believe in using a strengths-based approach as everyone that I meet has 100% success rate for getting through the tough times to date. I applaud that resiliency and help focus on healthier coping skills going forward. Sometimes the tools that we use to get through the tough times are not ones we want to keep, such as smoking, drinking or over eating. We can work to replace those with healthier options. It is not easy to reach out for help and I promise that I will always listen. We will work on a plan together to reach the goals that you set for yourself and your life. Whether it be anxiety or depression, feeling overwhelmed or experiencing a loss, I believe in providing you with my undivided attention so that I can better understand what you are experiencing and what you are seeking. I look forward to working with you and helping you look forward to a more rewarding and fulfilling life.

Areas of Focus and Specialization

Additional areas

Therapeutic approaches

Languages Spoken

  • English

Gina Mumey is serving from:


Years in practice

9 years

NPI number


License Details

OR LCSW L7455, NV LCSW 11065-C



Maker Therapy is funded by its users. When you make a purchase through our links, we may receive a commission from BetterHelp at no additional cost to you.

Click ‘Book session’ to open a form, complete a brief questionnaire, and schedule a conversation.

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Maker Therapy. 2025

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