via BetterHelp

Nancy Davis

  • Texas
  • Provides confidential online counseling through BetterHelp

About Nancy Davis's service

Nancy Davis is a licensed therapist with extensive professional work experience spanning 12 years in Texas and New Mexico. She is dedicated to creating a safe and open environment for her clients, where they can freely express their thoughts and feelings without the fear of judgment. Nancy understands that taking the first step towards a more fulfilling and happier life requires immense courage, and she is committed to providing unwavering support throughout the process. Known for her warm and caring nature, Nancy’s passion for her work shines through in her interactions with clients. She is a attentive listener and offers honest and direct feedback. Nancy firmly believes that there are multiple paths to living a fulfilling life, and she recognizes the importance of each individual finding their own unique approach. Her ultimate goal is to help clients discover their authentic voice, make necessary changes to improve their present circumstances, and move forward towards living the life they are destined to lead.

Areas of Focus and Specialization

Additional areas

Therapeutic approaches

Languages Spoken

  • English

Nancy Davis is serving from:


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Years in practice

12 years

NPI number


License Details

TX LMFT 201814, NM LMFT CMF0171781

License: LMFT


License number: 201814

Expires at 2025-08-31

License: LMFT

New Mexico

number: CMF0171781

Expires at 2024-09-30



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Maker Therapy. 2024

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