Provides online counseling through the BetterHelp

via BetterHelp

Patrick Boursiquot (LCSW)

  • Florida
  • Provides online counseling through BetterHelp



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About Patrick Boursiquot's service

Hello and welcome! What a great privilege it is to be confided with someone’s private struggle and have a chance to make a difference, to bring at least more light and happiness! As a licensed therapist trained in social work at Boston university, I take my work very seriously and continue to learn how to help individuals and couples in the most effective, empathetic, and confidential manner. I have helped countless clients for more than twenty years find the internal resources and and build the capacities to deal effectively with depression, anxiety, relationship misery, personal unhappiness, and other existential pain. No matter how difficult or grim your current struggle seems, you are far from being alone; and no matter how stuck you might feel you will find hope again if you can take another look along with someone to support and guide you on the way. As humans, it is our fate to suffer, but from the suffering tremendous strengths and happiness get realized if we can tolerating opening ourselves up for introspection and a new way. I approach my work with an open mind, first wanting to build a relationship, to understand and clarify my client’s struggle, and to use the appropriate psychological theories and tools to guide and support them in finding the new normal they long for. I believe that no matter what our life journey entails, the ultimate end of our walk through life is to discover how wonderfully we are endowed by Life and how bright our light can shine for all we meet. I hope to meet you soon!

Areas of Focus and Specialization

Additional areas

Therapeutic approaches

Languages Spoken

  • English

Patrick Boursiquot is serving from:


Years in practice

23 years

NPI number


License Details




Maker Therapy is funded by its users. When you make a purchase through our links, we may receive a commission from BetterHelp at no additional cost to you.

Click ‘Book session’ to open a form, complete a brief questionnaire, and schedule a conversation.

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Maker Therapy. 2025

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