Provides online counseling through the BetterHelp

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Robert Trombetta (LPC)

  • Pennsylvania
  • Provides online counseling through BetterHelp



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About Robert Trombetta's service

(Please note: for the present, I am not providing therapy services via the video option on BetterHelp. Due to both ongoing technical problems that interfere with and mitigate the effectiveness of sessions and some mixed feelings about the value of this type of session, I am temporarily restricting the modality options to phone, chat and messaging communications. My apologies to anyone inconvenienced or discouraged from working with me due to this condition; I may resume video sessions in the future.) I am a licensed professional counselor (LPC) in the state of Pennsylvania and a registered, board-certified art therapist (AT-R, B.C.) Since receiving an M.A. from Drexel University’s College of Nursing and Health Professions in 2004, I have practiced in a variety of settings, including inpatient psychiatry, community residential services and private practice, including my own, which I established in 2010. Over the course of my career, I have worked in residential and inpatient settings, as well as in private practice, with clients dealing with a wide range of often overlapping challenges , including severe mood disorders, substance abuse issues, personality disorders and debilitating thought disorders such as schizophrenia . In private practice, I have been able to focus on work with clients – including adolescents and young adults on the autism spectrum – struggling with problems in living ranging from depression, anxiety and addictive behaviors, as well as family, relationship and career conflicts. Therapy is hard work, for both client and practitioner, and one of my primary sources of inspiration and re-fueling is my immense gratitude and respect for my clients – for their willingness to confront what is difficult, embrace change and do the work necessary to foster growth and self-determination for themselves and therefore also for the benefit of those they work, live, connect with – and love. I believe, based on my experience, that most clients seeking therapy already know a good deal about both the nature of their problems and conflicts and the possible routes to change. But change is difficult, and can be scary and when something is difficult and scary, there is nothing wrong – and a great deal right -about seeking help and a collaborative relationship, rather than trying to achieve some of the most difficult tasks in isolation. . I often visualize the therapist as, ideally, a trustworthy guide walking alongside the client, carrying a lantern and helping to cast light into and illuminating the shadows, with the goal of locating the best and clearest path forward towards a more effective and self-determined life. In attempting this guidance and collaboration, I always try to maintain an attitude of warmth, respect, and compassion. Honesty and trust on the part of both partners is essential, of course. Humor and lightheartedness can, at times, be a significant healing factor as well! My approach is basically a humanistic one, which addresses problems and conflicts through careful and reflective listening and communication, with an underlying focus on the kinds of common concerns -the need and desire for connection, understanding, insight, growth and personally driven change – that most often propel a client towards therapy. As the client, you set our goals, and as part of the therapeutic process, we may make use of techniques and methods derived from established clinical practices, including Cognitive-Behavioral, narrative and expressive therapy techniques. This can be helpful in allowing the therapist to better know the whole person he is working with, rather than just as a collection of “problems” needing to be solved. Creativity, especially in the forms of writing or art, can be tremendously helpful in this regard. I have extensive experience in working with art as a aid to therapy (which can be done, with some limitations, even in a remote context, and requires no “skill” or talent whatsoever) and the exploration of this dynamic route to insight and growth is always available and might be encouraged at times. However, whether these or other techniques or approaches are used is always the result of discussion and agreement between therapist and client. If what I have outlined sounds appealing or promising to you as you explore therapeutic possibilities, I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this with you – please do not hesitate to contact me, and thank you for your time.

Areas of Focus and Specialization

Additional areas

Therapeutic approaches

Languages Spoken

  • English

Robert Trombetta is serving from:


Years in practice

10 years

NPI number


License Details

PA LPC PC006245



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Click ‘Book session’ to open a form, complete a brief questionnaire, and schedule a conversation.

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Maker Therapy. 2025

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