Provides online counseling through the BetterHelp

via BetterHelp

Tomi Taylor (LPC)

  • Missouri
  • Provides online counseling through BetterHelp



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About Tomi Taylor's service

I have a Master of Arts degree in Counseling Psychology. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor, National Certified Counselor, Accredited Triple P Provider, Certified AutPlay® Therapy Provider, EMDR trained therapist and Theraplay trained therapist. I am also a member of the American Psychological Association and the Autistic Self Advocacy Network. I work with children, adolescents, adults, and families. My experience includes working with families in crisis, working with autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, neurodevelopmental disorders, behavioral disorders, mood disorders, adjustment disorders, traumatic stress disorders, and chronic and terminal medical conditions. I provide a variety of therapeutic options, such as sandtray therapy, play therapy, and mindfulness-based services, family-focused therapy, and teletherapy. I have several years post graduate experience work counseling children and adults, as well as 15 years of experience working specifically within the autistic community. I have served as a case manager, resource coordinator, and client advocate for children and parents. I currently offer therapeutic and educational services at my clinic in Springfield, Missouri and online. I am well aware of the conflicts that can occur when trying to work therapy and other appointments in around a busy work/school/family schedule. I am committed to providing therapeutic services during evening and weekend hours to help clients avoid as many unnecessary conflicts to gaining mental health care access as possible.

Areas of Focus and Specialization

Additional areas

Therapeutic approaches

Languages Spoken

  • English

Tomi Taylor is serving from:


Years in practice

9 years

NPI number


License Details

ME LCPC CC6855, AZ LPC LPC-22928



Maker Therapy is funded by its users. When you make a purchase through our links, we may receive a commission from BetterHelp at no additional cost to you.

Click ‘Book session’ to open a form, complete a brief questionnaire, and schedule a conversation.

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Maker Therapy. 2025

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